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Annual average rate of 2007:
1 USD ($ USD) = 29.39 rub.
1 EUR (€) = 41,42 rub.
Currencies exchange rates (as of 11.06.2010): 1 USD ($ USD) = 31.5742 rub.
1 EUR (€) = 38.0217 rub.
Inflation 0.7% Èçì. 0%
Gold and currency reserves 441.4 bln. USD
Oil Brent (ICE) 71.62 USD/ barrel
GDP II êâàðòàë 2009 ãîä 9 326,4 bln. Rub.
Exports 24,5 Èçì 1,8 bln. USD
Imports 15.5 Èçì. 1.6 bln. USD
Fixed asset investments 01.07.09ã. 621,7 Èçì. -49.4 bln. Rub.
Consumer price index (as of 01.8 / 31.08.2009) 100 Èçì. 0%
- for food commodities 99.1 Èçì. - 1.5%
- for non-food products 100.6 Èçì. - 0.2%
- for paid services rendered to the population 100.4 Èçì. - 0.4%
Forecast rates on
1 USD ($ USD) = rub.
1 EUR (€) = rub.
Altai Krai
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Area, km2:
167 850
Time zone:
Administrative center (city):
Population (inhabitants):
2 515,89
Share of urban population (%):
Gross regional product, 2005 (million rubles):
167 894.4
Gross regional product per capita, 2005 (rubles):
54 398.0
Fixed capital investment, 2006 (million rubles) :
Foreign direct investment, 2006 (thousands USD):
The krai's economy depends on agriculture and granted by the Russian government.
Altai Krai has huge reserves of raw materials, especial materials used for building, as well as significant mineral reserves. These include nonferrous metals, lead and iron ores, manganese, tungsten, molybdenum, bauxite, and gold. Forests cover about 60,000 km² of the territory's land.
The territory is favorably located close to major sources of raw materials, has a well-developed infrastructure, especially in the area of heavy industry, and an abundance of natural resources. It is a major industrial and agricultural region of the country. As in the rest of Russia, the economic restructuring of the 1990s led to a marked economic decline in Altai Territory, particularly in industry and agriculture. However, there is now reason to believe that the territory's economy is stabilizing. Its present economic prospects are good due to the presence of abundant local raw materials, high scientific potential, leading technologies, skilled personnel, and a low-cost labor force. The sales market extends far beyond the borders of the West Siberia economic district. The territory's administration is interested in foreign investments and is creating the necessary conditions for setting up joint ventures.
There are more than 2000 industrial companies operating
in both heavy and light industry. The leading sectors are the power, engineering, chemical and petrochemical, building material, textile, and light industries.
Small and medium business is developing rapidly in Altai Territory, which is a necessary condition for economic stability and growth. Today, nearly a quarter of the entire working population is employed in this sector.
Today, Altai Territory not only meets the agricultural product requirements of its own population, but also the requirements of many other Russian regions. Altai exports many kinds of cereals, as well as processed grain products such as wheat and rye flour, pasta products, sugar beets, sunflower seeds, and flax fiber. The territory is Siberia's largest grain, sugar, and meat producer and its second-largest cheese producer.
Livestock farming specializes in meat, milk, wool, and egg production. Altai Territory is a major wool producer and an important base for breeding fine-fleeced pedigreed sheep, which makes it possible to export more than 30,000 head of pedigreed sheep per year. The territorial market also offers pedigreed swine, poultry, meat, eggs, honey, and wild products such as deer antlers, furs, and pelts.
Contact information
Region's website
Aleksandr Bogdanovich Karlin
Investment projects of the region:
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